Tim Wagner of the Sierra Club Publicly Exposes the Dastardly Political Corruption Achieved by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - EnviroNews | The Environmental News Specialists

Tim Wagner of the Sierra Club Publicly Exposes the Dastardly Political Corruption Achieved by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

(EnviroNews Utah) – On the second to the last day of the 2012 Utah legislative session, outraged protestors gathered at the ‘Rally to Restore Sanity to Government’ in order to protest an array of issues ranging from the elimination of sex education and women’s rights, to air quality, nuclear waste, and corporate personhood.

Tim Wagner of the Sierra Club put for a powerful expose’ on the American Legislative Exchange Council, better known as ALEC, claiming demonstrable corruption and abuse of our political system. He referred to ALEC as “the wolf that ate gramma” and explained how the benignly named organization is actually comprised at every meaningful level, of large destructive corporations and special interest groups such as Chevron, Pfizer, Phillip Morris, the Karl Rove Super Pac, and the infamous propagators of the largest climate misinformation campaign on earth, David and Charles Koch.

ALEC has received widespread scrutiny as a wolf in sheep’s clothing due to the nearly unlimited financial resources, power, and connections at their disposal. Wagner went on to explain the dastardly activities of ALEC and how the “council” has crafted hundreds of right-winged bills and extreme pieces of legislation behind closed doors that have sought to undermine environmental protections and implement highly unpopular social and civil policies. The bills are then “sponsored” by one conservative legislator or another and brought to the floors of the House and Senate for a vote at either the Federal, or the corresponding state level.

ALEC continues to receive wide criticism for their egregious activities in the environmental and human rights arenas. They have been vocally exposed by the media and activist groups alike, and are irrefutably designated as one of the most blatant examples of corporate law making in the United States today.

Tim Wagner of the Sierra Club Publicly Exposes the Dastardly Political Corruption Achieved by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

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