It’s Done: Trump Signs HJR 69 into Law Allowing Slaughter of Alaskan Bear Cubs, Wolf Pups

(EnviroNews Alaska) — Washington D.C. — On April 3, 2017, President Donald Trump signed House Joint Resolution 69 (HJR 69) into law. The legislation rescinds the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) 2016 Alaska National Wildlife Refuges Rule (Refuge Rule). The Refuge Rule was enacted to protect native carnivores on Alaska’s refuges from the state’s Board of Game (BOG) predator management program, which allows practices such as the killing of bears with cubs and wolves with pups, as well as the hunting of animals from aircraft, among other things.
As EnviroNews reported, the USFWS originally created the Refuge Rule in response to the notion that, “In recent years, concurrent with its adoption and implementation of [Intensive Management (IM)] plans for predation control areas, the BOG has also authorized measures under its general hunting and trapping regulations that potentially increase the take of predators to a degree that disrupts natural processes and wildlife interactions.” As part of its goal of maintaining moose, caribou and/or deer populations at set objective levels for human consumption, the BOG liberalized “hunting and trapping regulations for wolves and bears,” allowing controversial killing practices that wildlife advocates deem inhumane.
“What the Senate did today should outrage the conscience of every animal lover in America,” said Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society, in a press release when the bill passed the Senate March 21. “The passage of this bill means that we’ll see wolf families killed at their dens, bears chased down by planes or suffering for hours in barbaric steel-jawed traps or snares.” He also mentioned “luring grizzly bears with food to get a point-blank kill,” as another technique that will return in the absence of the Refuge Rule.
HJR 69 is a Congressional Review Act resolution, which allows Congress to invalidate a federal regulation like the Refuge Rule within 60 legislative days of its taking effect. The issuing agency of the rejected rule, in this case the USFWS, cannot later issue a “substantially similar” rule.
“This bill is inhumane, unsportsmanlike and dangerous to Alaska’s ecosystems. I am strongly against [HJR 69],” said Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR), when he argued against it on the House floor in February 2017. He explained the bill is unscientific and violates the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), which ensures that national wildlife refuges “conserve species and habitats in their natural diversity.” Defenders of Wildlife also cited this Act, along with the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, as established legal opposition to HJR 69 in March, but to no avail.
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45 thoughts on “It’s Done: Trump Signs HJR 69 into Law Allowing Slaughter of Alaskan Bear Cubs, Wolf Pups”
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- Julia Travers - Journalist, Author
I WAS a Trump supporter BUT cannot in all honesty support the slaughter of the innocent animals Trump is sentencing to Death!!
As Christians we are to help each other, take care of the innocent Including bears, wolves etc
they have not even lived, not hurt any one … so Trump is going to allow murdering them as they sleep!
Come on Trump – I know you are better then this!!!
It’s another of Satan’s schemes to destroy what God has created!
STOP this before it’s TOO late!
i cant believe this was even thought of being signed ..its wrong to kill senslessly!!!
What a despicable act! The man has a BLACK HEART! Signing this bill into law in order to placate his hunter-pals does NOT “Make America GREAT again”! Somebody STOP this MadMan! PLEASE!!!!!
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Mr. President???? I never thought you would do this!! This changes everything! 😖😡
cwhot believe this. This site has had me redo my password 3 times and all I’m trying to do is tell President Trump that I thougut he had better sense than sending bears, their cubs, wolves and their pups to slaughter. I, like so many senior citizens voted for you. We thought you had better sense than that. The wall & illegal aliens need your attention, not these poor creatures. Senior citizens need a BIG raise in their Social Security checks. I think of you, President Trump, having a lavish and delicious meal while your senior citizens that voted for you are lucky to have bread peanut butter & jelly that Salvation Army provided because SS checks do Not sustain us. focus on these important things and leave the animals alone.I would like to see you for a Second term in the White House. Don’t Bow down to Greedy people who kill these animals.
America what in God’s name were you people thinking.
This man is a dictator and you’ve put his finger on the button.
First poor defenseless animals, then us.
May God Forgive you.
What a disgraceful action donal trump has done by allowing the slaughter of these animals, karma will catch up with you donal trump at some point in time hopefully sooner then later.
Please stop this horrible and inhumane bill.
This is federal overreach. This is what we want smaller government to get this back to states. I don’t like the killing of these animals but putting this under the Fed isn’t right. You can still do something. You can still get the laws changed. It’s actually easier on a state level than a National one. So stop putting a gun in Trump’s hand, get off your ass and work within the state. The federal government is fully corrupt. Has putting anything under federal administration ever made things better?
you asked for smaller Federal government and that’s what he did. this has NOTHING to do with Trump going out and killing bear cubs. He turned the matter over to the state where it should be. It’s much easier to protest this at a state level.
Please stop this inhumane bill.
The Republican Senate and this God Awful Man Donald Trump seem to have no limits as to how ignorant and cruel they can be.
They seem to be hell bent on the destruction of every single one of America’s protections for people, animals, and the earth.
if Congress told you to jump off the highest mountain without a shoot..would you? if Congress told you to drop into the rails and land on the ‘hot wire’ would you? so why would anyone who cares about this country KILL harmless Bears with cubs or Wolfs with pups? we can take control of this .. WE CAN !! DON’T SHOOT ! just because congress put this on #45’s desk doesn’t mean we have to! we own our guns, we stand on our own 2 feet, we pay our bills, we feed our families and we ENJOY the life of ALL CREATURES throughout this entire world. I will not bow down to anyone else trying to say its OK to SHOOT TO KIL !! Does Congress and #45 think of their children’s children and children after that of adoring the wildlife surrounding them in amazement? After all, did you? did your parents? did your Grandparents, Congress & #45 ? these steps are unnecessary actions and I refuse to participate as well as those who respect our country should too. If you see a Mama Bear with her cubs DON’T SHOOT !! if you see a Mama Wolf with her pups DON’T SHOOT! I promise you will have no regrets ever .. you can put those words on your headstone .. ‘NO REGRETS’
What did Trump supporters/voters think they were getting when they voted for this man/toddler? If his lips are moving he’s lying. He publicly mocks the disabled. He gleefully admits that he sexually gropes women. He criticizes Gold Star families (then admits he doesn’t even know what a Gold Star family is). He gets into a dangerous twitter rant with the equally unstable North Korean dictator/toddler. He equates neo-Nazis, white supremacists and Klansmen to anti- protesters, calling them “fine” people.
The only “policy” he has is undoing anything and everything President Obama accomplished, regardless of how destructive the undoing is or who or how many it will hurt – for no other reason but that it has Obama’s name attached to it. His only “agenda” is doing whatever financially benefits him and his family – all the while proclaiming how big his rally crowds are, how high his ratings are and, most importantly, how fabulously great he is. Signing HJR-69 is just another in a long line of imbecilic things he’s done and will continue to do.
How in the world can this be a surprise to ANYone???????
What Trump supporters got is just what we wanted. Get the Feds off our backs and let the states make the laws for their own wildlife. They know if there is an imbalance or a need of things to be left alone. The Fed. Govt. sure doesn’t which is why TRUMP SUPPORTERS want the man to get the Feds out and let our states freedoms rule as they did before the Federal Government Overreaching took over!
If you read this you’ll see that it’s not about the animals as much about federal control overreach of States right. based on Alaskan state law wildlife is still protected:
What the H3ll is the point of having wildlife refuges, if some POS is going to come along and allow the wholesale slaughter of the animals that live there. This is unforgiveable and he will burn in a private section of H3ll for the harm he’s causing.
I am devastated that Trump should do this. These poor innocent bears do not deserve to be treated like this. I thought he was intelligent but obviously not. More game shooting for his depraved son.
odporne jednani a pristup ke zviratum,kez za to tvrde zaplatis odporny clovece
Meanwhile, human cubs continue to be slaughtered before they are born…
I voted for you Mr President because I believed in you, but this is MURDER of innocent wildlife!! Now I am just ashamed of you! You are not thinking ahead and what will happen to the environment or the rest of the wildlife if you take out the predators.
Impeach him for this! I Do Not want this bill passed!
Shame on anyone that’s for this bill that murders these babies when they have no right doing this. God put animals on this earth and these people have no right playing God. this disgusts me. No human would want their child killed in their sleep, so why murder these babies . Animals have feelings exactly the same as we do. those mothers will try to wake their babies up and t hey will be dead and the mothers will cry just like we humans do when a child dies. You are a disgusting lowlife Trump and so is anyone that’s on your side for t his.
Shame on anyone that will allow these babies to be murdered for no reason. None of you have the right to kill innocent babies . You would not want your babies murdered. these animals have feelings like we do. Anyone for this bill is disguating and I hope you all rot.
Why cant they fix as feral cats, instead of senseless killings. With all the time and money to murder.
So. This article is incredibly misleading. Alaska, as a state, already has regulation on this hunting style and when the USFWS came in, it made it much more difficult for the Alaska Fish and Game to enforce their restrictions.
In the long run, the HJR69 doesn’t “allow” the slaughtering of bear cubs and wolf pups, it just removes the USFWS from the equation and leaves Alaska with its, already in place, hunting restrictions; it is actually better for Alaska and the cubs and pups.
… also, even with the Federal involvement, there were still certain subsistence policies that allowed trapping in bear and wolf dens (google subsistence). Sorry, signing the HJR is changing nothing. Wealthy jo schmo has never been able to go slaughter baby bears and wolves.
If you want to look into the real issues in Alaska… start looking into the Pebble Gold mining deals. It is about to destroy the most productive Salmon fishery.
But the article said: “The passage of this bill means that we’ll see wolf families killed at their dens, bears chased down by planes or suffering for hours in barbaric steel-jawed traps or snares.” He also mentioned “luring grizzly bears with food to get a point-blank kill,” as another technique that will return in the absence of the Refuge Rule.”
So it seems the Alaska regulations are LESS restrictive than the USFAW regulations. Wouldn’t removing the USFAW regulations give more liberty to “kill”?
What a worthless, disgusting POS. These fascist, anti-American TRAITORS known as tRump and the Republicans should be removed from the planet ASAP before they destroy the USA and the Earth.
We need less people, adopt Japanese Family laws. Leave the wildlife alone by protection with humane control! Livestock Gardian Dogs are amazing. All ranchers should be given funds for adopting & training them to protect livestock & keep predators away with their loud threatening barks & protective insticts.
noooooo!!!!!! where is the compassion, these animals help our environment. killing them in their sleep? whats going on? Stop this senseless act, please
This is sick! So where is the online petition ? You have my attention however you have no solution. I am just to be enraged by this ? Where is your solution?
A link to an online petition before its too late? Please you can write all about then drop the ball? Useless without a solution
I’m so appalled that Trump’s “individual American” could not see the evil seathing behind this man. Well, he paid for office, paid for people to promote him and now….
More and more bills will be signed by this man to destroy the environment, to kill off animals and disrupt it’s delicate balance, and for rich to get richer. The devil isn’t at the door, he’s inside.
God help us all!
This is terrifying to know that this man is so dangerous and in power ….what next …he is worse than those psychopaths in this world abusing and killing helpless Animals. And he just signed and say to those it’s OK to kill them ..and I don’t understand how his wife stands by this man and say nothing on Gods name this man sleeps at night ..first he cages children’s noes hue kills Animals ….MR President your are an Evil waste of space of a human .but karma will find you sooner or later but sooner will be better …thank God I’m not a American I would be ashamed ….and with your Evil heart how dear you say … Bless America. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I am of course, appalled and in complete disagreement of this decision, but perhaps even angrier about the utter hypocrisy of everyone. I’m seeing words such as “barbaric”, “inhumane” and “What the Senate did today should outrage the conscience of every animal lover in America,” so is everyone on here Vegetarian? Never eaten a Mcdonalds burger? If not, you are NO better than the senate, Trump, or whoever else you’re trying to blame. Billions of animals suffer a FAR worse fate in the meat industry everyday, but you don’t see everyone in an outrage about that! It’s so easy to pin the blame on somebody else, about something that really doesn’t affect you either way, rather than take a good hard look at yourself! How about less talking and more walking, people.
You people freaking out about this have no idea what you are talking about. Alaska needs to have the ability to manage our wildlife ourselves.
Wolf packs grow so large, 40+ members, that they end up eating all the wild game and end up killing our dogs, taking them right off the leash in the owners hands and coming into our yards, killing pets on their porches. How long until it’s a child? A few years ago a teacher was out for a walk and was killed and eaten by wolves. I suppose that’s OK with you?
The bear population has grown so large that young bears are driven off the tundra by older, stronger bears. They end up in our garbage dumpsters, breaking into fish houses right in our yards. They break into homes looking for food. They aren’t at all afraid of people and will try and come in your house when you are there. We have to kill them illegally and dump their carcass in the woods to protect our families and avoid huge fines.
What Trump did was allow control to come back to the states, and that’s why he was elected.
Please don’t kill mother animals this is not sport, and no civilised country would allow the sheer cruelty of it.
Culling is not necessary and nature always finds away to balance one species to another.
I am not in favor of this action as are many other Americans, i’m sorry but we learn from our past that a native species can go out quickly without knowledge or means to support the decline in population.We need to focus on having an equal balance in nature otherwise we will be looking at some species in a critical disposition.It breaks my heart that my President Trump signed the ok on this , it is truly devastating news.
Why not relocate them and let them live? We shouldn’t kill so many animals.
I will never understand though no one gets outraged when helpless human children are murdered before birth. Why is an animal worth more than a human being, We need to be just as outraged over that and over newborns being left to die. Wake up and fight to protect human babies with the same ferocity as animals.