POLL: With California Loss, Should Bernie Sanders Get Out of the Race Now? Yes/No?

(EnviroNews Polls) — Despite multiple polls showing that Tuesday’s California primary between Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton would be a close one — it wasn’t.
While it is true nearly two million ballots remain uncounted in the Golden State as of Friday morning, the likelihood Sanders will come out on top after those votes are in is slim to none. Current number show a 53.8% to 43.2% lead for Clinton who has gathered 1,940,580 votes to Sanders’ 1,502,043 — again, as of Friday morning.
Many arguments have been made as to why Sanders received such a bludgeoning in Tuesday’s primary, but those arguments do not change the overall delegate count.
So far, Clinton’s tally of California delegates stands at 269, while Sanders picked up 206.
Clinton’s overall number of pledged delegates is 2,203 of the 2,383 needed to win the nomination. She has however picked up another 581 superdelegates for a grand total of 2,784. Superdelegates can change what candidate they are supporting all the way up to the convention which is why Clinton has not officially clinched. Sanders has earned 1,828 pledged delegates and 49 superdelegates for an overall total of 1,877 leaving him substantially short of the number required to win the nomination.
Pundits are speculating Sanders will drop out following the DC primary this coming Tuesday — but he hasn’t dropped out yet. Many establishment Democrats are urging Sanders to quit now and make way for America’s first major party woman nominee, while his supporters are encouraging him to stay in all the way to the Democratic convention.
We put it to you, our readers and viewers: With the delegate and superdelegate counts standing as they are now, should Bernie Sanders drop out of the race? Yes or no?
POLL: With California Loss Should #BernieSanders Get Out of the Race Now? Yes/No? #Hillary #HillaryClinton VOTE NOW!
— EnviroNews Polls (@EnviroNewsPolls) June 10, 2016
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