Activism – EnviroNews | The Environmental News Specialists
Tag Archives: Activism

(EnviroNews California) – White Rocks, Utah – After a 105 hour work week, and a whirlwind, 5 day, start-to-finish documentary production on America’s first approved commercial tar sands mine in Utah’s pristine Tavaputs Plateau, EnviroNews USA Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry raced across the massive Uintah Basin oil turf in…

(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – Celebrity activist Erin Brockovich is at it again. That is, taking on BIG polluters. Her most recent endeavor is the obscure and dark world of medical waste, a subject that most Americans have likely spent little time thinking about over the course…

(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – In a full-feature sit-down interview with EnviroNews USA Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry, celebrity activist Erin Brockovich laid down strong messages on an array of environmental topics. From fracking to nuclear meltdowns, this woman is a coast-to-coast, worldwide environmental activism powerhouse. After catapulting into…