(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – It was difficult to find an environmental group that wasn’t involved in some way, shape or form last weekend in the “Clean Air, No Excuses” Rally held on a sunny and relatively clear, low smog day at the Utah State Capitol….
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Rep. Patrice Arent of District 36 took to the podium to address a crowd of approximately 5,000 on Saturday in what would play out as the largest environmental rally/protest in Utah State history. Her message — “Our voices must not stop…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – The Smog Lake City Singers, musician Tom Bennett, and a song written by local fourth graders provided some levity and musical interludes as part of the Clean Air, No Excuses Rally on Jan. 25, 2014, at the Utah State Capitol. The…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – In response to the Utah Attorney General’s Office awarding the “Attorney of the Year” trophy to Christian Stephens, the lawyer at the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) who has been fighting to suppress the lawsuits against the Kennecott and Tesoro pollution…